Kenya is eager to strengthen its manufacturing capacity and create more jobs, according to state department for industrialisation principal secretary Juma Mukhwana, who recently said plans to revive collapsed companies like Ken Knit Raymond and Farmers Choice are under way. He was on a tour of Rivatex East Africa Limited, a textile company in Eldoret town.
“Rivatex had previously collapsed and it has undergone a significant makeover. I want to applaud the factory’s management for bringing it back to life, it has now created employment to more than 1,000 people. I am confident that the new Rivatex will boost this administration’s efforts to create more jobs for the youth in the future,“ said Mukhwana.
“The government has invested up to Ksh 7 billion in the factory over the past five years and has unveiled plans to expand the textile manufacturing industry with the goal of increasing revenue ten times than of the previous year which was Ksh 50 billion, while increasing employment from 50,000 to 500,000 over the next five years,” he said.
Investments in the textile sector are in line with the government’s ‘Buy Kenya, Build Kenya’ agenda, he said.
Read more about Kenya committed to fully revive manufacturing sector: Top official
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