The public stakeholder consultation on the revision of the Better Cotton Principles and Criteria (P&C) is officially open. Starting from today until September 30, it is now possible to share inputs on the draft of the proposed P&C through the online survey on the dedicated portal. The public consultation is a key milestone in the revision process.
The public sakeholder consultation is a key step in ensuring that the P&C continues to strike the right balance between sustainability ambitions and feasibility of implementation at field level, Better Cotton said.
“We are excited to be opening the revised P&C for public consultation, after many months of collaboration with our technical working groups and other stakeholders. The revised standard supports our 2030 Strategy and focuses on impact, with strengthened expectations around climate change, regenerative agriculture, smallholder livelihoods and decent work. It puts more emphasis on the needs of local farmers and workers and aims to reduce duplicative data and planning requirements,” Chelsea Reinhardt, director of Standards & Assurance, said.
Read more about Europe’s Better Cotton begins public consultation on revised P&C
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